Author Archives: Vlad Negrău

Cum să utilizați optimizarea SEO pentru a vă conecta cu diferite segmente ale pieței hotelului

Prioritatea principală a site-ului dvs. este de a converti clienții și de a le permite să rezerve cu ușurință camere la hotel. Toate bune până acum, dar amintiți-vă că nu există două ființe umane identice. Nu toți sunt convinși și ușor de mulțumiți în același mod. Fiecare client are nevoi și dorințe diferite și trebuie să fii capabil să găsești aceste nevoi și dorințe și să fii pregătit să le satisfaci în consecință. Aceasta înseamnă că trebuie să creați un

How Reviews Are Threatening Your Hotel

The threat of bad reviews on consumer-advisory sites has become a really strong and common form of leveraging guests. Negative reviews can have a great influence over your potential customers. Even just a little tiny one can make someone choose a different place. Researchers  found that negative online reviews can outweigh other decision-making factors for prospective guests, including price, when they are selecting where to stay or eat. People in the hospitality industry know that the power to soothe the

6 Social Media Hacks To Boost Engagement On Your Hotel’s Posts

When it comes to effectively and meaningfully reaching your audience, I think it’s pretty safe to say that all marketers understand the important role social media plays in that quest. Not only does your audience seem to live on social networks—posting vacation selfies and checking into newly opened restaurants—but they also rely on social media for information and entertainment. As a result, social media marketing has become a necessary tool for communicating with your audience. It’s all about creating a

Top 3 SEO Ranking Factors For Hotels

Up until recently, there’s been a lot of mysticism about the algorithm of Search Engines, especially Google. Recently this changed, when one of the Google employees confirmed what the three most important factors are. You might have known for a while that the number 3 was RankBrain, and now we also know the number 1 and 2 factors: Content and Links. Most people in the industry have known that for a while, so it was good to hear the confirmation.

10 Instagram Tips For Your Hotel

If you have a hotel and you’re not on Instagram yet, you need to take action. Instagram offers a great opportunity for hotel owners to build more awareness and have a better engagement with travelers. Here are 10 tips that can help you get started with Instagram and also be sure that you’re effective. 1. Instagram is perfect for travel marketing Online activity is slowly shifting to mobile devices. Truth is, people are spending most of their time checking the

How To Use SEO To Connect With Different Segments Of Your Hotel’s Market

Your website’s main priority is to convert customers and allow them to easily book rooms at your hotel. All good so far, but remember that there are not two identical human beings. Not all of them are convinced and satisfied in the same way. Every client has different needs and you need to be able to find those needs and be prepared to satisfy them accordingly. That means you need to create unique content for every category of your clients,

How To Create A Hotel Website That Converts

One of the toughest challenges facing the hotel industry is the ever-increasing need to drive direct bookings—as shares to third parties rise, so do the stakes for hoteliers too. One important, and overlooked aspect in the effort to drive bookings is a property’s website and its effectiveness to convert travelers. Studies show that hotels that fail to spend time and money on their websites face a drop in bookings and, as a result, profitability. In order to create a website

7 Tips For Your Hotel’s Online Marketing Success

Times are changing, the Internet is slowly sweeping everything into his net, that’s why you need to be prepared and ready to keep up the pace with the market. Down below are 7 things that you can use in order to get back on the track with your marketing. 1. Website The most important part of any online strategy is your own website. There are a few questions that you might want to ask yourself in order to see how