What’s A Friendlier Way To Explain It?
In addition, the percentage of people who are willing to vote for poorly written questions and quick answers is increasing. That is frustrating for the people who care about taking the time to write decent answers. Most developers understand SSL/TLS — namely, explain like im five a protocol that enables a client and a server to securely exchange data. However, once you bring up Certificate Authorities, Intermediate CAs, Certificate Chains, Self-Signed Certificate errors and CSR, among others, that understanding often fades away.
Explain Like I’m Five (eli : Devolutions’ Products
“How do I move the turtle in Logo?” is an acceptable question. The fact that it has been answered elsewhere on Google doesn’t matter. The Encyclopedia Britannica editors don’t care that a longer treatise has been published on the subject. If it’s relevant and not already in their volume, then they cover it. Explaining code in your answer is a great way to practice, so we’re in a sort of Catch-22. The site doesn’t particularly encourage explaining your answers so people don’t tend to learn to be good at it. (This is by no means a new problem.) Weirdly answers here suggest downvoting as a solution rather than, you know, writing a better answer.
I’m not sure where the phrase originated, but I think the online Reddit community has definitely made it more popular. Explain a complicated subject in a way a five year old can understand. English Language Learners Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for speakers of other languages learning English. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy, and our Terms of Service. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. When we receive our Vuex vending machine, we don’t want to change the contents as that may break Vue’s reactivity.
A great team faced with the same problem will produce a single page. People often aspire to explain the complexity they uncover. The r/explainlikeimfive subreddit remains incredibly popular, but itsELI5 abbreviation has become so widely used on Reddit that even people who have never used that specific subreddit are familiar with it. ELI5stands for the phrase, “Explain Like I’m 5.” The 5refers to a five-year-old child, the implication being that the person requesting the explanation has a limited ornaive understanding of the issue. ELI5 is short for “Explain Like I’m 5,” a request for a simple explanation to a complicated question or problem.
Point out examples of other ways your client “aggregates” in their everyday life . explain like im five Pause after a minute or two to avoid rambling, and just see how a client responds.
Explain Like I’m 5: Tls & Certificates
And out of all the classics, some are easier to teach, using literary devices like metaphors, foreshadowing, personification, and symbolism. Shampoos come in an array of colors, but—as this ELI5 question points out—the foam is almost always white. And the answer to why this is, is more scientific than I could have imagined. In explain like im five our minds, robots are these high-tech, crazy-smart machines that can do anything and everything. However, it is not just the clicking of the box that is important when it comes to these security tests and confirmations we see online. It really is so nice that we have all of these luxuries and all of these options before us.
You should make sure all of your fields, or items for sale, are set up ahead of time. Getters are a powerful way to shape your data to retrieve only explain like im five items you want or to build new items from the data that exists in state. The series was funded by YouTube, though Martin declined to provide a cost.
A downvote with a comment is counter-voted as well, and the comment may or may not evoke an off-topic discussion , or the comment is simply removed by moderators. Only downvotes on obvious garbage explain like im five posts work; for others you have to spend more time explaining why the question or answer is bad than the poster spent on their post. Let’s say you want the server to also validate a client.
Where’s The New Boatload Of Experts Who Can Explain Stuff To Me Like I’m Five?
- The communication during an RDP connection will be extremely asymmetric, while most of the data will go from the server to the client.
- During the lifetime of the connection, the client and the server exchange basic input/output data.
- Having said that, those PDUs are still exchanged between the client and the server at that point, but with no actual data in it (even if there was any data, Microsoft’s documentation specifies you should ignore it).
- The client is sending the input and the server sends the output.
- Font List/Map PDU – these PDUs were meant to hold information about fonts for the RDP session (font name, average width, signature, etc.), however, it seems like Microsoft is not using it.
- The basic functionality of RDP is to transmit a monitor from the remote server to the client and the keyboard and/or mouse from the client to the remote server.
Questions That Seek Explanation Tend To Be Treated With Suspicion
Whether we have been in planes ourselves or just heard this info from movies, we are all aware that there are certain in-flight rules regarding electronics. Back in the day, the rules were stricter, but now, in a time when there are explain like im five so many different types of electronics, we don’t even have to have them off during takeoff. I have seen the same thing play out in my professional career. A good team faced with a hard problem will produce a rigorous document.